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Director's Message

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Salam Sejahtera.


Welcome to the Johor  State Court’s Official Website. 


The Johore State Court is always moving forward in line with the reforms implemented by the Leadership of the Malaysian Judiciary led by The Right Honourable Chief Justice from time to time. Now, all the Courts in Johor Bahru as well as the Muar Court Complex have fully utilized the e-Courts system which is an integral part of the Judiciary and legal practitioners where the components of the system consist of Court Recording Transcription (CRT), online filing (e-Filing), Case Management System (CMS) and Queue Management System (QMS).


Another improvement that was created by the Malaysian Judiciary is that the official website of the Johore Court was developed for the convenience of the public. Stakeholders now have access to various things such as access to the Grounds of Judgment for cases that have been decided, access to the cause lists for Courts that use the Case Management System (CMS) application, the oath commissioner system, the e-Aduan system, and e-Lawatan.


I hope that these available facilities can facilitate and help people to deal with the Court. I also take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the committee of the Official Website of Johore State Court who is committed to developing this website. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to all the people of the Johore State Court in general who always cooperated with the members of the committee of the Official Website of Johore State Court so that this website could be established.


Hopefully, the visitors will be able to take advantage of this Official Website, and it is hoped that it will be a medium for sharing useful information towards upholding the judicial institutions in Malaysia.


Welcome to the Official Website of the Johore State Court. Thank you.